What does good patient and public involvement look like?

South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation is working with South Yorkshire ICS (NHS) to seek patient feedback in shaping the NHS People and Communities Strategy (which is the name of their involvement and engagement strategy).

The NHS in South Yorkshire are developing an engagement strategy to set out how they will work with patients and the public. They want an ongoing dialogue with patients and the public so that they can better understand what works for you about services, and what could be better, so that when the NHS is looking at what it should be changing/ improving it will be doing so based on what they know from our public.

As a patient or member of the public they would love your feedback to help them shape their strategy.

They want to understand for you what good patient/ public involvement would look like, so that they can shape their strategy based first and foremost on how you want them to engage with you.

What would good patient and public involvement from an NHS organisation look like from your point of view?

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