Sheffield Legacy Fund

  • South Yorkshire Community Foundation
  • Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park logo


Applications for the Sheffield Legacy Fund is open.

How much? Up to £1,000, to be spent within one year. Consortiums bringing together more than one community organisation in a single bid can apply for larger grants of up to £5,000. 

How do I apply? Read the guidance notes below and complete an application form

When can we expect to find out the outcome? Community groups can expect a response to their application roughly within six weeks


Grassroots community organisations within a three-mile radius of Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park are invited to apply for grants of up to £1,000 to fund their activities addressing physical and mental health and wellbeing.

We know that a wide variety of local charities, social enterprises and community groups are doing incredible work to support people by providing physical and mental health and well-being activities.

Thanks to the generosity of Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park partners, we are able to make small grants to community organisations to support this work.

We are particularly keen to see applications from organisations led by and/or providing support to minoritized and marginalised communities in this area of Sheffield.

How much can I apply for?

Up to £1,000, to be spent within one year. Consortiums bringing together more than one community organisation in a single bid can apply for larger grants of up to £5,000. Your application should identify one organisation as the lead applicant who will hold the grant and be accountable for it and should explain how and why the organisations are working together.

When can I apply?

Applications are open. We aim to let applicants know the result of their application within roughly six weeks.

Application Support

Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park Funding Programme - Guidance Notes

- Aims and Priorities
- Who can apply?
- What can I spend the money on?
- What cannot be funded?
- What happens after I apply?

(PDF, 136 KB)

South Yorkshire Community Foundation - Top 10 tips

Ten tips from South Yorkshire Community Foundation to help with your funding application

(PDF, 29.4 KB)

Contact Us

For any queries relating to this programme, you can contact our Grants Administrator Masoba, via the details below, to answer your questions

Meet Jess

Jess is responsible for leading the team that delivers effectively and efficiently the SYCF's Grants Programmes and identifying improved ways of working and streamlining. Jess will be the lead officer for managing SYCF's proactive volunteer recruitment for its panels, recruiting and increasing diversity, training and providing on-going support including an annual panel members event. Her working days are Tuesday to Friday.

Jess O'Neill

Grants and Partnerships Manager

Jess O'Neill's LinkedIn page
Jess O'Neill