Loscar Wind Farm Community Fund

  • Loscar Windfarm Community Grants - RES Logo

Important Notice

Applications to this round are now closed. For applicants, we may be in touch with any questions as part of our assessment process.

Decisions will be communicated to groups in late October/November.

The next round will open in November.


The Loscar Wind Farm Community Funds make small grants to support environmental sustainability and general community activities.  Wind farm operator Renewable Energy Systems (RES) established the funds for communities close to the site of their Loscar wind farm in Harthill, Rotherham. RES operate renewable energy plants throughout the UK, with the Loscar wind project generating clean electricity since 2010.

What can be funded?

Grants are available for projects and initiatives that educate, promote or implement:

  • Sustainable use of energy and energy efficiency
  • Sustainable use of other resources
  • Reducing climate change
  • Nature conservation
  • Charitable environmental projects that address the needs of the local community

This can be in the form of activities listed below, benefitting the residents of the defined area of benefit:

  • Educational Projects within the local primary and secondary schools
  • Free information events about domestic solar or wind power
  • Projects to improve the energy efficiency of residents on low incomes
  • Free practical workshops about composting methods
  • Hedge restoration and wildflower planting schemes
  • Activities for older people
  • Pre-school group
  • Homework club
  • Sports group

Thanks to Loscar Windfarm Community Fund

Parishes of Harthill, Woodall, Thorpe Salvin and Wales have been lifted by the financial support to keep their communities together

Read more successful funding outcomes, which have benefitted from this funding, on our Case Studies section.

Harthill Tea Day Social Club

Harthill Tea Day Social Club received a grant of £3,642 to help pay for the use of the local village hall where the tea days are held, and to allow them to pay for the food and drinks they put on for elderly members.


Kiveton Park Independent Advice Centre

Providing advice to local people from often deprived communities in Rotherham, funding has enabled the centre to make essential improvements to their existing service provision at their base offices in Kiveton Park.

How much can you apply for?

There is no minimum or maximum grant, but most grants will be for less than £5,000.


This funding is specifically for the benefit of community initiatives within the parishes of Harthill, Woodall, Thorpe Salvin and Wales.

Application Support

Please read our guidance notes below, answering questions you may have about this programme.

You can contact South Yorkshire Funding Advice Bureau for help or to fine tune your application with their 'Making A Good Application' leaflet

Loscar Windfarm Community Funds - Guidance Notes

- Area of benefit
- Who can or cannot apply?
- What can't be funded
- How to apply

(PDF, 69.2 KB)

Impact Guide

Impact and Outcomes Guide

(PDF, 557 KB)

South Yorkshire Community Foundation - Top 10 tips

Ten tips from South Yorkshire Community Foundation to help with your funding application

(PDF, 29.4 KB)

Contact Us

If you have a related query to this programme, you can contact our Grants Officer Roz, via the details below to answer your questions

Meet Roz

Roz works in the Grants Team and leads on a number of grant programmes available to not-for-profit organisations. Her working days are Tuesday to Friday.

Roz Richards

Grants Officer

Roz Richards's LinkedIn page
Roz Richards