Sir Samuel Osborn’s Deed of Gift Relief Fund
How much? Up to £1,000 to assist former employees of the Samuel Osborn Company, or one of its subsidiaries, and their direct linear descendants (e.g. children, grandchildren etc. of Samuel Osborn Company employees).
What for? Available for costs associated with undertaking any training or education, for example, books, equipment and living costs.
When is the closing date? Open all-year round
How do I apply? Read the information below and complete an online application form
When can we expect to find out the outcome? Within twelve weeks
This fund is to primarily assist former employees of the Samuel Osborn Company, or one of its subsidiaries, and their direct linear descendants (e.g. children, grandchildren etc. of Samuel Osborn Company employees).
Funding is available for two main categories
Grants up to £1,000 are available for costs associated with undertaking any training or education, for example, books, equipment and living costs
Discretionary grants are available to those demonstrating need for:
- Convalescent or recuperative holidays or care
- Medical comforts or equipment not available through the NHS
- Other pressing needs on a case by case basis
Applications are limited to one grant per person per year
What do we not fund?
- Individuals not in need, hardship or distress, e.g. individuals with large personal reserves of money
- Medical items available through the NHS
Samuel Osborn Application Form
(DOCX, 186 KB)
Meet Roz
Roz supports the Commmunity Foundation on a number of projects from IT programmes to initiatives which support our team of loyal volunteers. Her working days are Tuesday to Friday.
Roz Richards
Projects Support Officer
Roz Richards's LinkedIn page