Outcasts Cricket Club

The Outcasts Cricket Club based in Crowle in North Lincolnshire are dedicated to bringing the local community together through cricket. They run six teams, including senior and junior teams and play regular league and casual games at their Hirst Priory grounds.

The club recently benefited from funding from the Tween Bridge Wind Farm Community Benefits Fund which covers areas of Doncaster and Lincolnshire, to improve their facilities. The most recent funding has enabled them to purchase new sight screens, replacing the old screens which had become a safety hazard to use. The new screens will enable the teams to play better games and enable the grounds to run at a more professional level.

The club has recently been promoted to the premier league for their area and the funding from the Tween Bridge Wind Farm Community Benefits Fund has supported the club’s progression and growing popularity.

Previous funding in 2014 enabled the club to get a heavy roller which means they can maintain the cricket ground to a high standard. Now, with the new sight screens, the club members are able to play better than ever.

Begun in the 1940’s, Outcasts Cricket Club is still going strong and gaining more and more players. Their games, open days and community events have become a popular day out for everyone in the surrounding area.

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